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What is the Enneagram Assessment?


Christopher Franklin

CEO Maslow

inPersonality, Enneagram Test, Psychometrics
8 minutes read
What is the Enneagram Assessment?

Discover Your Inner Personality with the Enneagram

The Enneagram test has gained significant popularity as a powerful tool for understanding your personality types and behaviors. It offers valuable insights into your motivations, fears, and desires, allowing you to develop self-awareness and improve your relationships.

This guide explains the Enneagram test, including its purpose, origins, and how it can improve your life. Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth? Let's explore "What is the Enneagram Test?" together.

What is the Enneagram Test?

The Enneagram test is a personality assessment tool that groups individuals into one of nine distinct personality types. The assessment provides a framework for understanding the patterns of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that drive your actions. The online Enneagram Assessment uses statistics to help you identify and understand your behaviors and decision-making habits.

Enneagram theory maintains that everyone has a core fear and a core desire that make up their Enneagram type. By identifying your primary Enneagram type, you gain valuable self-awareness and insights into your inner motivations and fears. This new self-awareness empowers you to make positive changes, make better decisions and nurture healthy relationships with others.

Many people consider the Enneagram Assessment more than just a simple personality test. The analysis goes beyond surface-level traits. It explores the deeper aspects of your personality and reveals your core beliefs and desires. These beliefs and desires influence your every action. This holistic approach makes the Enneagram test a powerful tool for personal growth, emotional intelligence, and self-transformation.

The Origins of the Enneagram Test

The Enneagram has ancient roots, with its origins dating back thousands of years. While its exact origins remain somewhat mysterious, many believe it can be traced back to various spiritual traditions and wisdom teachings. Enneagram is derived from the Greek language, with ennea meaning nine and gram meaning diagram.

Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Psychology

The Enneagram's integration into modern psychology can be credited to the pioneering work of several influential figures, including Oscar Ichazo, Claudio Naranjo, and Don Richard Riso. They synthesized ancient wisdom with psychological insights and psychometrics to develop the Enneagram system as we know it today.

The Nine Enneagram Types

The Enneagram categorizes individuals into nine distinct types, each characterized by specific patterns of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Understanding these nine types provides a valuable roadmap to self-awareness and personal growth. Let's explore each of the Enneagram types:

Type 1: The Perfectionist

Type 1s are motivated by a desire to be good, proper, and ethical. They have a strong internal critical voice that pushes them to achieve personal perfection in all areas of life.

Type 2: The Helper

Type 2s are driven by a need to be needed and loved. They excel in nurturing and supporting others but often struggle to prioritize their own needs.

Type 3: The Achiever

Type 3s are highly ambitious and success-oriented. They strive to excel in their chosen field and seek recognition for their accomplishments.

Type 4: The Individualist

Type 4s are deeply in touch with their emotions and long for uniqueness and authenticity. They often feel misunderstood and seek to express their individuality.

Type 5: The Investigator

Type 5s are driven by a thirst for knowledge and understanding. They tend to be introspective, and observant, and most often prefer solitude to recharge their energy.

Type 6: The Loyalist

Type 6s are characterized by their need for security and loyalty. They are vigilant, and responsible, and seek guidance from trusted friends, family, and colleagues.

Type 7: The Enthusiast

Type 7s are adventurous, spontaneous, and constantly seek new experiences. They fear missing out and strive to avoid pain and discomfort.

Type 8: The Challenger

Type 8s are assertive, strong-willed, and strive for control. They have a natural desire to protect the weak and value their independence.

Type 9: The Peacemaker

Type 9s are easygoing, agreeable, and seek harmony. They often put others' needs before their own and can struggle with asserting themselves.

Benefits of Understanding Your Enneagram Type

Discovering your Enneagram type can have numerous benefits, positively impacting various aspects of your life. Let's explore some of the advantages of understanding your Enneagram type:

  1. Self-Awareness: Understanding your Enneagram type provides deep insights into your motivations, fears, and desires. This self-awareness empowers you to make conscious choices and break free from self-limiting patterns.
  2. Improved Relationships: The Enneagram fosters empathy and understanding, enabling you to navigate relationships more effectively. By recognizing the motivations and needs of others, you can foster healthier connections.
  3. Personal Growth: Armed with knowledge of your Enneagram type, you can embark on a journey of personal growth. The Enneagram illuminates areas for improvement and guides you toward self-transformation, as well as spiritual growth.
  4. Conflict Resolution: The Enneagram enhances conflict resolution skills by providing insights into different perspectives and communication styles. It promotes empathy and helps bridge gaps between individual wants, and needs and understanding others' motivations.
  5. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding the Enneagram improves emotional intelligence by helping you recognize and manage your emotions effectively. It supports emotional self-regulation and cultivates empathy toward others.
  6. Leadership Development: The Enneagram is widely used in leadership development programs, as it helps individuals understand their leadership style and their impact on their teams.


The 9 types of the Enneagram, each offering a unique perspective on human personality. By understanding people's motivations and fears, you can gain insight into yourself and develop empathy for others. Remember, the Enneagram is a tool for self-discovery and should be used as a starting point for exploration rather than a rigid categorization. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and enjoy the profound insights the Enneagram Assessment offers.


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